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Posted By admin On 04/08/22

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When signing up to Leovegas, you can select one of three welcome offers - ' Sports Bonus ', ' Casino bonus ' or ' Live casino bonus '. If you have signed up already and claimed one of the offers, you won’t be able to claim another sign up offer. Leo Gura replied to Bazooka Jesus's topic in Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality Yes, but, that does not mean one is conscious of it. Just saying 'this is it' is not at all the same as being conscious of it.

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  1. Leo Gura replied to mmKay's topic in Health, Fitness, Nutrition

  2. Leo Gura replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Environment, Government, Politics

    Mostly: religion It's made 50% of the country morons.
  3. Leo Gura replied to Twega's topic in Society, Environment, Government, Politics

  4. Leo Gura replied to Twega's topic in Society, Environment, Government, Politics

    That is irrelevant to a discussion of responsibility. I have the freedom to spit in your face. That does not make it responsible to do so.
  5. Leo Gura replied to infinitelovegodetc's topic in Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality

    Not needed for me. I don't want to take any addictive substances or do substances chronically.
  6. Leo Gura replied to Vision's topic in Self-Actualization

    What is practical is what your ego needs for its survival. This is not to be trusted. That is practical is never holistic.
  7. Leo Gura replied to aurum's topic in Self-Actualization

    The worst offenders are business gurus who sell you courses on how to make a business by selling courses on how to make a business. This is classic pyramid scheme stuff, and people buy it because they want to get rich quick without doing anything creative or original. There are many great self-help courses which are not pyramid schemes in that way.
  8. Leo Gura replied to Vision's topic in Self-Actualization

    Yes Without theory, how would you know what to practice, why to practice, and how to practice? Practice without theory is extremely limited. Which is why doctors spend 10 years learning theory before doing surgery. Sort of, but you have to be careful here not to let theory become a slave to pure utility or pragmatism. Not everything you learn should be practical. Some stuff you learn has no direct practical application. The practical implications can be very oblique or indirect. For example, what was the practical application of learning about the French Revolution? Nothing immediately comes to mind, but it is still important to learn such things because of how they shape your worldview. Also, sometimes things are learned just for the sake of knowing them, not for any practical purpose. Much of learning is not obviously practical, so be careful not to limit learning to that.
  9. Leo Gura replied to soos_mite_ah's topic in Self-Actualization

    I teach advanced and radical things. If one can't stand the fire, get out the kitchen. Do more simple and friendly forms of self-help. Yes, there are many ways to misinterpret this work. It's pretty much guaranteed you will to some extent. That's why direct experience and personal contemplation is so crucial.
  10. Leo Gura replied to Twega's topic in Society, Environment, Government, Politics

    Obviously it is relative. But there are lower and higher persepectives. Whining about masks and lockdowns and vaccines is lower.
  11. Leo Gura replied to infinitelovegodetc's topic in Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality

  12. Leo Gura replied to Leo Gura's topic in Self-Actualization

  13. Leo Gura replied to soos_mite_ah's topic in Self-Actualization

    Yes, that's the key: selfishness is so radical. It's important that you realize that. Not everything, but 99% of what you do is. It would Being. A rock is perfectly selfless. A living organism cannot be selfless without dying. But there is an even higher truth: selfishess IS selflessless and Love! But realize what that means: rape and torture is Love. Hard for a self to accept that, especially when it is happening to you. That's the rub, all lines you draw are arbitrary and selfish. YES! YES! Now you got it. All language and thought collapses into silent nonduality. When everything is ONE, everything is understood and nothing more can be said or asked about it. The mind is creating all these divisions and perplexities, getting in its own way. The mind cannot ever grasp ONEness. By grasping it, it makes one into two.
  14. Leo Gura replied to infinitelovegodetc's topic in Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality

    The best way to do cannabis is whenever you get the urge to do it, do 5-MeO-DMT instead.
  15. Leo Gura replied to aurum's topic in Self-Actualization

    @aurum You beat me to it. Was gonna post on blog soon. Yeah, he has some good exposes. I'm gonna do a video in the future about self-industry dirty secrets.